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A Dual Credit Day at NLC

On , In College News

Dual Credit DayFORT ST. JOHN – More than 300 Grade 9 students and chaperones from School Districts 60 and 81 converged on Northern Lights College on May 11 for the annual Dual Credit Day event.

Dual Credit Day provides students with the opportunity to experience their choice of three program areas available to secondary school students for Dual Credit study. The event was held at NLC’s Fort St. John Campus and North Peace Secondary School.

Participants selected from numerous program areas, including: Applied Business Technology, Automotive Service Technician, Business Management, Carpentry, Electrician, Cosmetology, Early Childhood Education and Care, Environmental Practice, Geomatics Engineering Technology, Health Care, Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Technician, Industrial Instrumentation, Oil and Gas Field Operations, Power Engineering, Social Services Worker Diploma, University Arts and Sciences (English, Psychology, Film, Chemistry), Welding, and Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician.

Dual Credit Day gives students hands-on experience to discover information about specific careers. Students learned they could start the transition to a career in Grade 11 or 12, earning secondary and post-secondary school credits while still in secondary school.

Dual Credit Day“It’s great to have so many of our students on the Northern Lights College campus to experience a day in the life of a college student. It gives the students exposure to different careers and helps to set goals. This day is an important part of getting our students career and college ready,” said Brian Campbell, district principal of Careers and International Education for SD 60.

Event sponsors included Encana, School Districts 60 and 81, and Northern Opportunities.