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Environmental Practice students eligible for entrance award

On , In College News

FORT ST. JOHN – Students from northeastern British Columbia who enroll in the newest program at Northern Lights College will have the opportunity to benefit from a new entrance award.

NLC’s new Environmental Practice program will be offered, starting in September, at the Fort St. John Campus. The entrance award, valued at $600, is available to any student enrolled in the program who resides in the College service area in northeastern British Columbia.

Applicants must provide an essay detailing an awareness of job conditions, challenges, and opportunities related to a career path in the environmental field. Applicants are asked to make contact with someone in the industry as research for this essay.

The Environmental Practice program prepares students to effectively repair disturbed land resulting from industrial development and activity. The focus is on reclamation and remediation of sites disturbed by industry, preparing reports and documents associated with fieldwork, and applying the relevant regulations regarding reclamation and remediation to such sites.

Employment opportunities are concentrated in the oil and gas sector with some opportunities in related government Ministries, mining, and forestry. As resource companies strive to meet government and industry guidelines, this field of work will continue to grow across western Canada. Travel and fieldwork are regular features of careers within this industry.

For more information on Environmental Practice, or to enrol in the program, check the College website at nlc.bc.canew window, or contact at Student Recruiter at 1-866-463-6652.

Student awards are administered by the NLC Foundation. For more information on the NLC Foundation, check the NLC website at nlc.bc.canew window or contact Donna Kane at 250-784-7613 or email dkane@nlc.bc.caemail. Deadline for students to apply for the entrance award for the Environmental Practice program is Sept. 30.