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NLC and Peace Energy Cooperative sign MOU

On , In College News

DAWSON CREEK – Northern Lights College (NLC) and Peace Energy Cooperative are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

As a result of this agreement, Peace Energy and NLC will foster a long lasting and sustainable business relationship where they can seek, share and advance opportunities in renewable energy education and renewable energy development.

“We’ve worked together informally on different projects together over the years, including NLC’s Energy House. To make it a formal relationship adds even more value to the work that each of us is doing,” said Valerie Gilson, Peace Energy Executive Director (Pro Tem). “It is exciting to think about the opportunities where we may be able to work together. It makes great economic sense when we are working towards the same type of goals.”

Peace Energy is a renewable energy investment cooperative that promotes the development and adoption of renewable energy resources. Peace Energy is responsible for initiating the Bear Mountain Wind Park, British Columbia’s first wind energy facility 15 kilometres southeast of Dawson Creek. Over 400 members receive a return from investment in Peace Energy’s renewable energy development projects.

“We are very pleased about formalizing our relationship with Peace Energy,” said Dr. Peter Nunoda, Vice President Academic and Research at NLC. “We believe that there are many mutual benefits, especially in light of the recent opening of the Centre of Excellence in Clean Energy Technology and the upcoming launch of the College’s Certificate in Clean Energy later this year.”

NLC is B.C.’s Energy College, serving students, industry and communities in the northern third of British Columbia. The College’s Dawson Creek Campus is a Centre of Excellence in Clean Energy Technology, and features the only Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician program in the province based in Energy House.

Both organizations are located in Dawson Creek, and share a similar vision for sustainable, profitable and educational development of renewable energy resources. The agreement will allow NLC and Peace Energy to seek opportunities where they can jointly participate and further their goals in renewable energy.

The MOU, which was signed earlier this year, was formally announced on Saturday, at Peace Energy’s annual general meeting.