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Our Northern Lights: Gilda Lanza

On , In College News, People & Culture, Programming, Students

Our Northern Lights is an initiative that illuminates our people, their stories, and celebrates their achievements. We hope that their journey will inspire others to pursue their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Gilda Lanza’s dream of moving to Canada started 10 years ago. Her husband was working away for nine months of the year overseas and spending another two months in training, leaving them only a month of every year to spend together. It was never the kind of life she imagined, especially if she ever wanted to have a family.

As a student in the Philippines, she had been supported by a non-profit organization so social work was close to her heart. When she learned about a chance to come and do the social work diploma program at Northern Lights College in Canada, it was exactly the solution she was looking for.

“I was looking in between NLC and New Brunswick and I chose NLC. NLC is one of the [least expensive schools] and the feedback is it’s a top-notch [post secondary]. Also, the employability and the quality of education is really good.”

Gilda remains passionate about social work and is looking forward to finding employment where she can give back to the community.

I remember making a personal scorecard, or plan, and envisioning myself in Canada within 10 years. And after exactly 10 years, I made it happen. As I gazed up at the sky, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “dreams really do come true.”

“Choosing this field allows me the opportunity to advocate for those in need. There is nothing more fulfilling than making a positive impact and passing on this legacy. I am certain that many more people who have been helped will pass on the legacy and will continue to make this world a better place. This profession has touched me deeply, and I am grateful for the chance to make a difference.”

Gilda had her first opportunity to start making a difference during her practicum working with NLC Career Advisor, Tammy Potratz. Tammy helps potential students find pathways and funding to support their education and career goals here at the college. She was impressed by the opportunities for students wanting to go to school.

“The locals here are really, really, lucky. There are a lot of financial aids like Obair, WorkBC and other assistance. If you really want to upgrade in life, the door is yours!”

To learn more about Gilda and those who helped her reach her goals, read on:

What is your first NLC Memory?

As I set foot on the campus for the first time, I was struck by the beauty of the northern lights tower. It was a spring day, and the sun was shining, but there was a chill in the air. Looking at the tower filled me with excitement for the new chapter of my life that was beginning. Back in the Philippines, I remember making a personal scorecard, or plan, and envisioning myself in Canada within 10 years. And after exactly 10 years, I made it happen. As I gazed up at the sky, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “dreams really do come true.”

What three words describe your NLC experience?

Transformative. Enlightening. Valuable.

What would you tell another student if they were thinking of coming to NLC? Or the Social Work Program?

I recently had the opportunity to do my practicum with NLC’s Career Advisor, Ms. Tammy, and let me tell you, I was blown away by all that NLC has to offer! Right from the get-go, prospective students are given the support, guidance, and resources they need to make informed decisions about their career paths. And when it comes to international students, the dedication of Ms. Marissa, the international engagement coordinator, is nothing short of inspiring! Thanks to her hard work, I had a seamless application process and was able to dive right in to all that NLC has to offer.

What’s next for you? Where do you see yourself in one year? How about five years? In a year from now, I envision myself continuously working as a support worker, making a positive impact in people’s lives. With hard work and dedication, I am determined to obtain permanent residency, which will allow me to continue pursuing my dreams. My ultimate goal is to earn a bachelor’s degree in social work, so I can serve my community in an even greater capacity