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Peace Energy Experience introduces high school students to northeast energy sector

On , In College News

The students, from local School Districts 59 and 60 as well as Gold Trail’s School District 74 visited NLC for a variety of activities that would help them discover educational and career pathways in the energy sectors, said Rick Hall, NLC Wind Turbine instructor and Peace Energy Experience project coordinator.

“I felt it was a great success,” smiled Hall, “All of the students reported it as being a positive experience and many came away having found or reaffirmed their post-secondary education goals.”

The students toured the W.A.C. Bennett Dam, Bear Mountain Wind Park, as well as Spectra Energy and Encana gas plants.

As part of their on-campus, hands-on activities, students were given activities to perform in program areas such as Carpentry, Welding, and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Students were also given tours of NLC’s Centres of Training Excellence in Oil and Gas and Clean Energy.

Students also took part in fun activities such as scaling the Wind Turbine training tower with climbing ropes, lunch at Dinosaur Lake, a bar-be-que at Camp Cameron, and a golf tournament with industry mentors at the Lone Wolf Golf Club in Taylor.