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Prime Minister Harper Opens New Facilities at Northern Lights College

On , In College News

DAWSON CREEK – Prime Minister Stephen Harper toured Northern Lights College on Oct. 15 where he officially opened the institution’s new Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy Technology and newly refurbished Health Sciences Building.

Funded through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the facilities will enable the college to train additional students in the fields of health care and clean energy.

“Our Government is committed to creating jobs by providing youth with the tools and the training they need to succeed in tomorrow’s economy,” said the Prime Minister. “The new facilities being opened today will help address the growing national demand for nurses and provide trained professionals to help drive Canada’s burgeoning clean energy industry.”

The Energy House is a highly energy efficient facility that combines classrooms and research/work areas. It will allow an additional 199 students to prepare for careers in the area of energy management. The newly renovated Health Sciences Building features modernized classrooms and laboratories that will accommodate an additional 141 health studies students.

Support for both projects was provided through Industry Canada’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program, a $2 billion initiative to improve research and training facilities at Canadian post-secondary institutions. Since its introduction in 2009, as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the Program has helped fund more than 500 projects throughout the country.

PM Stephen Harper

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, speaking at Northern Lights College on Oct. 15. He is flanked by members of the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technology program.