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Skills training plans address needs in northern B.C.

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To create the region-led plans, the tables brought together key leaders from industry, employers, labour, First Nations, training service providers, educators, economic development organizations and others to identify key opportunities in the regions and the training needed to address them. The regional skills training plans are now available online:

• Northwest Skills Training Plan:
• Northeast Skills Training Plan:

Each regional skills training plan focuses on aligning existing training programs to local jobs, and will help people take advantage of the significant economic development opportunities that exist in northern B.C. As part of this work, the regional workforce tables conducted a review and analysis of regional labour market demand and supply, local training opportunities and potential gaps in regional training. They also gathered input from a broad cross-section of regional sector groups and communities to inform the development of the plans.

The establishment of the regional workforce tables was a commitment under the BC Jobs Plan. Funding to support the tables was provided through the Canada – British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement. More information on the regional workforce tables is available at:


Media Relations
Government Communications and Public Engagement
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

250 356-8177

Seth Downs
Northwest Community College
Northwest Regional Workforce Table Secretariat

250 635-6511 ext 5372

Pam Eales
Northern Lights College
Northeast Regional Workforce Table Secretariat

250 784-7605

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