“Safety and security on post-secondary campuses is an important issue. We cannot be bystanders. Any form of sexual violence or misconduct simply will not be tolerated.
“All public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia are required by law to have sexual misconduct prevention policies in place and make them accessible. The legislation required policies to be in place by May 2017.
“The ministry also has issued guidelines to help post-secondary institutions develop sexual violence policies that focus on prevention and response.
“The legislation and guidelines were important first steps. Moving forward, I want to raise awareness of the policies and ensure the policies are effective in protecting our students, faculty and staff. I want to use feedback to ensure we have a strong policy framework in place that centres on the health, safety and well-being of our post-secondary community.
“The policies need to be reviewed – in consultation with students – at least once every three years or when directed by the minister.
“I want to ensure everyone feels safe and supported on campus and in the classroom.”
Encouraging engagement:
Mark is inviting feedback from post-secondary students, faculty and staff on policies to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Feedback is encouraged to be submitted by the end of January 2018.
Feedback can be provided confidentially at: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/preventsexualviolencenew window
A message from the minister can be viewed online: https://youtu.be/VQ_3jVm_Nkcnew window
Rodney Porter
Communications Director
Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training
250 889-7494