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Student Awards from $ 750 to $ 5000 – Apply Now

On , In College News

Application Deadline: November 15

One World International Scholarship
Award Value: Varies (up to $5,000)
• Scholarships are available to students pursuing study or work abroad programs that are either:
– a formal part of a BC credential program and/or carry academic credit recognized at a BC educational institution, or;
– offer experiential learning opportunities involving language acquisition and/or cultural training
• Students who apply will also be considered for high-value Premier’s International Scholarships if they meet additional criteria and indicate interest;
• Completion of the cover letter form and a typewritten person statement not exceeding 500 words;
• Unofficial transcripts of all post-secondary studies to date, in British Columbia and elsewhere (official transcripts may be requested under some circumstances)
• Two reference forms – one completed by an academic reference (speaking directly to your academic abilities) and one by a non-academic reference (speaking to your volunteer or extra-curricular activities)
• Completion of the application form

Pacific Horizons Award
Award Value: 1 @ $1,000
• Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrants)
• BC residents, defined as having had their primary residency at an address in the province for at least the past 12 months
• Enrolled in a program of at least one year in length (preferably longer), leading to a credential
• Arranged to participate in organized cultural or language learning studies overseas, and can provide proof of participation in this activity
• Planning to carry out their study/work abroad activity ouside Canada and the USA
• Not carrying out their cultural/language learning activity in a country from which the student has immigrated within the past 10 years
• Have not previously received a Pacific Horizons scholarship or One World scholarship at the same credential level
• Recipients will be expected to take up their award and commence their international activity within 9 months following notification of receiving the award
• Completion of the application form

Application Deadline: November 30th

NLC Foundation Entrance Award
Award: 5 @ $1,000
• attending Northern Lights College for the first time
• dual credit students are eligible if they are enrolling in a program other than their dual credit program
• enrolling in the January/February intake in full-time studies in any program at the college
• applicants need to submit a brief (approximately 300 words) description of planned program and future career goals (provision for this is made on application form)
• Awards will be presented to students after they have registered and attended their first week of classes at Northern Lights College

Application forms are available from the Financial Aid Officer at the student’s campus of study. All applications must be handed in to the Financial Aid Officer.

Application Deadline: December 15th

Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) Award
Award Deadline: December 15th
Award Value: 2 @ $1,500
• Entering the January/February intake
• Full-time student enrolled in any of the following programs: Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Technician Foundation, Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Technician Foundation/Level 1, Millwright Foundation Trades Training, Welding Level C
• Applicants must include in their application a description of their career plan, their interest in working in the service, supply and manufacturing sector of the petroleum industry and any prior knowledge of the petroleum industry

Application forms are available from the Financial Aid Officer at the student’s campus of study. All applications must be handed in to the Financial Aid Officer.

Application Deadline: November 30

CJDC Radio and Television Community Project
Award: 2 @ $1,660
• NLC student, staff, or community member who wishes to create and complete a project which benefits the community (including the College) and which has a cultural connection (broadly defined)
• Resident of an area served by CJDC’s radio or TV signal
• Applicant must submit a proposal that includes the following:

1. a clear description of the project
2. a description of how the intended objectives and outcomes will benefit the community
3. a detailed budget showing how the award

William and Mary Wanka Art Promotion Award
Award: 1 @ $900
• Anyone (students, staff, community members) may make application for this award
• Applications must be clear as to the purpose of the proposed project and should include the following information:

1. the project’s objective
2. the activities planned
3. the intended outcome
4. a project budget defining expenditures

Project Proposals for both the CJDC Radio and Television Community Project Award and the William and Mary Wanka Art Promotion Award should be submitted to
Donna Kane, Executive Director, NLC Foundation, 11401 – 8th Street, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G2