
Welcome to the NLC policies page. Here, you’ll find our active policies, which our Policy Committee has approved. All related procedures, forms, guides, or other documents are available as attachments to the right-hand side of the policy.

You’ll find links to policy-related resources in the left navigation pane. You can read about policy work underway, recent policy updates, the policy development process, and more.

The NLC Board of Governors policies can be found herenew window. If you have questions or concerns or need further information, please contact us at nlcpolicies@nlc.bc.caemailnew window.




Academic Appeal PDFnew window E-1.01 PDFnew window
Academic Integrity PDFnew window E-1.08 PDFnew window
Academic Monitoring PDFnew window E-1.02 PDFnew window
Academic Progression Policy for Developmental Programs — E-1.16 PDFnew window E-1.16 PDFnew window
Accommodation and Accessible Learning for Students with Disabilities PDFnew window E-4.02 PDFnew window
Admissions – Entrance Requirements PDFnew window E-1.03 PDFnew window
Applied Research PDFnew window A-6.01 PDFnew window
Contract Courses – General PDFnew window E-2.03 PDFnew window
Convocation Criteria PDFnew window E-2.04 PDFnew window
Course Approval, Course Revision, and Course Outline PDFnew window E-3.09 PDFnew window
Course Challenge PDFnew window E-1.05 PDFnew window
Directed Independent Study at NLC PDFnew window E-1.06 PDFnew window
Education Council – Student Representative Remuneration PDFnew window E-2.07 PDFnew window
Evaluating Students PDFnew window E-1.07 PDFnew window
Foreign Students – International Education Referrals PDFnew window E-1.04 PDFnew window
Honorary Associate of Arts Degree PDFnew window E-2.08 PDFnew window
Honour List PDFnew window E-1.09 PDFnew window
Late Registration PDFnew window E-2.09 PDFnew window
Program Advisory Committee PDFnew window E-3.08 PDFnew window
Program Approval and Revision PDFnew window E-3.04 PDFnew window
Program Review Policy PDFnew window E-3.07 PDFnew window
Program Suspension and Cancellation PDFnew window A-5.19 PDFnew window
Quality Assurance PDFnew window E-3.06 PDFnew window
Requests for Research Projects PDFnew window A-5.13 PDFnew window
Responsible Conduct of Research PDFnew window A-6.02 PDFnew window
Sexual Violence and Misconduct PDFnew window A-5.18 PDFnew window
Student Absenteeism PDFnew window E-1.10 PDFnew window
Student Appeals PDFnew window E-2.10 PDFnew window
Student Discrimination, Bullying, and Harassment Prevention PDFnew window A-5.15 PDFnew window
Student Financial Aid PDFnew window E-4.03 PDFnew window
Student Housing PDFnew window A-1.02 PDFnew window
Student Housing Assistant Accommodation Fees PDFnew window F-4.02 PDFnew window
Student Non-Academic Code of Conduct PDFnew window A-5.04 PDFnew window
Student Off-Campus Activities PDFnew window A-5.23 PDFnew window
Student Practicum Placement PDFnew window E-1.12 PDFnew window
Student Records and Privacy PDFnew window E-4.04 PDFnew window
Transfer Credit PDFnew window E-3.05 PDFnew window
Tuition Waiver for Seniors PDFnew window F-4.04 PDFnew window
Tuition, Fees and Refund Policy PDFnew window F-4.03 PDFnew window
Valedictorian Criteria and Selection PDFnew window E-2.05 PDFnew window
Withdrawal PDFnew window E-1.14 PDFnew window


Communication & Information Management



Bank Accounts PDFnew window F-3.01 PDFnew window
Bookstore Operations PDFnew window F-3.02 PDFnew window
Budget Procedures PDFnew window F-1.01 PDFnew window
Budgetary – Reviews and Cost Control PDFnew window F-1.02 PDFnew window
Capital Expenditures PDFnew window F-1.03 PDFnew window
Charitable Donations to NLC PDFnew window F-3.03 PDFnew window
Disposition of Goods PDFnew window F-2.03 PDFnew window
Donations by Northern Lights College PDFnew window F-3.04 PDFnew window
Donor Recognition PDFnew window F-3.08 PDFnew window
Fixed Assets – Inventory PDFnew window F-3.05 PDFnew window
Fraud Prevention PDFnew window F-3.12 PDFnew window
Honoraria PDFnew window F-3.13 PDFnew window
Hospitality PDFnew window A-4.04 PDFnew window
Imprest Account PDFnew window F-2.04 PDFnew window
Investment Policy PDFnew window F-3.06 PDFnew window
Naming Policy PDFnew window A-5.22 PDFnew window
NSF Cheques Procession and Recovery PDFnew window F-3.09 PDFnew window
Petty Cash Funds PDFnew window F-2.05 PDFnew window
Purchasing PDFnew window F-2.06 PDFnew window
Signing Authority PDFnew window F-2.07 PDFnew window
Sponsorship/Participation in Community Fundraising Events PDFnew window A-5.14 PDFnew window
Student Housing Assistant Accommodation Fees PDFnew window F-4.02 PDFnew window
Travel Advances PDFnew window F-3.11 PDFnew window
Tuition Waiver for Seniors PDFnew window F-4.04 PDFnew window
Tuition, Fees and Refund Policy PDFnew window F-4.03 PDFnew window


Human Resources

Acting Pay – Excluded Positions PDFnew window H-3.01 PDFnew window
Clerical Staff Testing PDFnew window H-1.02 PDFnew window
Early Retirement PDFnew window H-1.04 PDFnew window
Employee Exchange Program PDFnew window H-1.05 PDFnew window
Employee Recognition PDFnew window H-1.06 PDFnew window
Employment Tuition Assistance (for NLC Courses) PDFnew window H-1.08 PDFnew window
Excluded Employees Political Activity PDFnew window H-1.09 PDFnew window
Health and Safety PDFnew window H-1.10 PDFnew window
Instructor Qualifications Standards (Academic and Professional Programs) PDFnew window H-2.01 PDFnew window
Moving Expenses PDFnew window H-1.17 PDFnew window
Organizational Structure PDFnew window A-5.02 PDFnew window
Public Interest Disclosure Act Policy (PIDA) PDFnew window H-2.07 PDFnew window
Release of Information (Staff and Students) PDFnew window H-2.04 PDFnew window
Respectful Workplace Policy PDFnew window H-1.11 PDFnew window
Staff Membership in Professional Societies PDFnew window H-2.05 PDFnew window
Standards of Ethical Conduct PDFnew window H-1.13 PDFnew window
Substance Use PDFnew window H-1.18 PDFnew window
Violence in the Workplace PDFnew window H-1.15 PDFnew window