Student Policies

Welcome to the student policies page! Whether new to Northern Lights College or a returning student, this is your go-to resource for the important guidelines and policies that help shape your experience here. From academic expectations to campus life, we’ve got everything you need to stay informed and supported during your time at NLC.




Academic Appeal PDFnew window E-1.01 PDFnew window
Academic Integrity PDFnew window E-1.08 PDFnew window
Academic Monitoring PDFnew window E-1.02 PDFnew window
Academic Progression Policy for Developmental Programs — E-1.16 PDFnew window E-1.16 PDFnew window
Accommodation and Accessible Learning for Students with Disabilities PDFnew window E-4.02 PDFnew window
Admissions – Entrance Requirements PDFnew window E-1.03 PDFnew window
Applied Research PDFnew window A-6.01 PDFnew window
Contract Courses – General PDFnew window E-2.03 PDFnew window
Convocation Criteria PDFnew window E-2.04 PDFnew window
Course Approval, Course Revision, and Course Outline PDFnew window E-3.09 PDFnew window
Course Challenge PDFnew window E-1.05 PDFnew window
Directed Independent Study at NLC PDFnew window E-1.06 PDFnew window
Education Council – Student Representative Remuneration PDFnew window E-2.07 PDFnew window
Evaluating Students PDFnew window E-1.07 PDFnew window
Foreign Students – International Education Referrals PDFnew window E-1.04 PDFnew window
Honorary Associate of Arts Degree PDFnew window E-2.08 PDFnew window
Honour List PDFnew window E-1.09 PDFnew window
Late Registration PDFnew window E-2.09 PDFnew window
Program Advisory Committee PDFnew window E-3.08 PDFnew window
Program Approval and Revision PDFnew window E-3.04 PDFnew window
Program Review Policy PDFnew window E-3.07 PDFnew window
Program Suspension and Cancellation PDFnew window A-5.19 PDFnew window
Quality Assurance PDFnew window E-3.06 PDFnew window
Requests for Research Projects PDFnew window A-5.13 PDFnew window
Responsible Conduct of Research PDFnew window A-6.02 PDFnew window
Sexual Violence and Misconduct PDFnew window A-5.18 PDFnew window
Student Absenteeism PDFnew window E-1.10 PDFnew window
Student Appeals PDFnew window E-2.10 PDFnew window
Student Discrimination, Bullying, and Harassment Prevention PDFnew window A-5.15 PDFnew window
Student Financial Aid PDFnew window E-4.03 PDFnew window
Student Housing PDFnew window A-1.02 PDFnew window
Student Housing Assistant Accommodation Fees PDFnew window F-4.02 PDFnew window
Student Non-Academic Code of Conduct PDFnew window A-5.04 PDFnew window
Student Off-Campus Activities PDFnew window A-5.23 PDFnew window
Student Practicum Placement PDFnew window E-1.12 PDFnew window
Student Records and Privacy PDFnew window E-4.04 PDFnew window
Transfer Credit PDFnew window E-3.05 PDFnew window
Tuition Waiver for Seniors PDFnew window F-4.04 PDFnew window
Tuition, Fees and Refund Policy PDFnew window F-4.03 PDFnew window
Valedictorian Criteria and Selection PDFnew window E-2.05 PDFnew window
Withdrawal PDFnew window E-1.14 PDFnew window