Arts and Science Electives

The following list of electives indicate the classification of courses that can be used to meet elective requirements.  When selecting electives, students that are planning to transfer are encouraged to consult the BC Transfer Guidenew window.

Arts Electives

The following classification indicates Art courses, including Humanities and Social Sciences that may be used to meet requirements for the Associate degrees.

First Nations Studies (FNST), History (HIST), and Women and Gender Studies (WGST) may be used for either Humanities or Social Sciences course requirements.

  • An Arts course is defined to be any course in a subject area for which there is a Baccalaureate of Arts degree at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
  • first-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 100-level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
  • second-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 200-level or higher level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.

Humanities Electives

First year courses:

Second year courses:

* May be used as either Humanities or Social Science

Social Science Electives

First year courses:

Second year courses: 

* May be used as either Humanities or Social Science

Other Arts Electives

First year courses:

Second year courses:

Science Electives

The following classification indicates Science courses, including laboratory science courses, that may be used to meet requirements for the Associate degrees.  Requirements for “Science courses” include both Laboratory and non-laboratory courses.

  • science course is defined to be any course in a subject area for which there is a Baccalaureate of Science degree or Baccalaureate of Applied Science degree at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
  • first-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 100-level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
  • second-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 200-level or higher level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.

Laboratory Science Electives

First year courses:

Second year courses:

Other Science Electives

First year courses:

Second year courses: