- Arts Electives
- Humanities Electives
- Social Science Electives
- Other Arts Electives
- Science Electives
- Laboratory Science Electives
- Other Science Electives
Arts and Science Electives
The following list of electives indicate the classification of courses that can be used to meet elective requirements. When selecting electives, students that are planning to transfer are encouraged to consult the BC Transfer Guidenew window.
Arts Electives
The following classification indicates Art courses, including Humanities and Social Sciences that may be used to meet requirements for the Associate degrees.
First Nations Studies (FNST), History (HIST), and Women and Gender Studies (WGST) may be used for either Humanities or Social Sciences course requirements.
- An Arts course is defined to be any course in a subject area for which there is a Baccalaureate of Arts degree at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
- A first-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 100-level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
- A second-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 200-level or higher level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
Humanities Electives
First year courses:
- ENGL 100 – Academic Writing (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 105 – Nonfictional Prose (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 110 – Introduction to Workplace Communications (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 111 – Poetry and Drama (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 112 – Prose Fiction (3.0 credits)new window
- FNST 100 – Indigenous Peoples of Canada (3.0 credits)new window*
- FNST 102 – Treaties and Aboriginal Rights (3.0 credits)new window*
- FREN 101 – Intermediate French I (3.0 credits)new window
- FREN 102 – Intermediate French II (3.0 credits)new window
- HIST 103 – Canada, Pre-Confederation (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 104 – Canada, Post-Confederation (3.0 credits)new window*
- PHIL 101 – Introduction to Philosophy I (3.0 credits)new window
- PHIL 102 – Introduction to Philosophy II (3.0 credits)new window
- PHIL 110 – Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking (3.0 credits)new window
- PHIL 111 – Contemporary Moral Issues (3.0 credits)new window
- THEA 100 – Introduction to Acting (3.0 credits)new window
- VSAR 113 – Visual Culture I (3.0 credits)new window
- VSAR 123 – Visual Culture II (3.0 credits)new window
- WGST 100 – Women and Gender Studies (3.0 credits)new window*
Second year courses:
- CRWR 209 – Introduction to the Art of Writing I (3.0 credits)new window
- CRWR 210 – Introduction to the Art of Writing II (3.0 credits)new window
- CRWR 250 – Advanced Writing Techniques I (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 201 – Survey of English Literature I (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 202 – Survey of English Literature II (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 205 – Introduction to Canadian Literature (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 220 – Children’s Literature (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 221 – Introduction to Women’s Literature (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGL 230 – Technical Writing (3.0 credits)new window
- HIST 200 – Women in the Western World from Pre-History to the Present (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 205 – The Ancient World (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 206 – History of Ancient Greece (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 207 – History of Ancient Rome (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 209 – History of the First Nations of Canada (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 210 – History of British Columbia (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 211 – European History, 1050-1789 (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 212 – European History, 1789 – Present (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 220 – History of Childhood in Canada: Indigenous and Settler Children, Then And Now (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 231 – The United States History to 1865 (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 232 – The United States Since 1865 (3.0 credits)new window*
* May be used as either Humanities or Social Science
Social Science Electives
First year courses:
- ANTH 101 – Cultural and Social Anthropology I (3.0 credits)new window
- ANTH 102 – Cultural and Social Anthropology II (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 101 – Introduction to Criminology (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 103 – Psychological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 120 – Research Methods in Criminology (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 131 – Introduction to the Criminal Justice System (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 135 – Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions (3.0 credits)new window
- ECON 101 – Principles of Economics (Micro) (3.0 credits)new window
- ECON 102 – Principles of Economics (Macro) (3.0 credits)new window
- ECON 105 – Principles of Economics (3.0 credits)new window
- FNST 100 – Indigenous Peoples of Canada (3.0 credits)new window*
- FNST 102 – Treaties and Aboriginal Rights (3.0 credits)new window*
- GEOG 101 – Society and the Environment (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 103 – The Regional Geography of Canada (3.0 credits)new window
- HIST 103 – Canada, Pre-Confederation (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 104 – Canada, Post-Confederation (3.0 credits)new window*
- POLI 100 – Politics and Government (3.0 credits)new window
- POLI 101 – The Government of Canada (3.0 credits)new window
- POLI 102 – Political Ideologies (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 101 – Introduction to Psychology I (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 102 – Introduction to Psychology II (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 101 – Introduction to Sociology I (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 102 – Introduction to Sociology II (3.0 credits)new window
- WGST 100 – Women and Gender Studies (3.0 credits)new window*
Second year courses:
- ANTH 201 – Ethnic and Race Relations (3.0 credits)new window
- ANTH 202 – Ethnography of Canada’s First Nations Peoples (3.0 credits)new window
- ANTH 203 – Contemporary Canadian Native Peoples (3.0 credits)new window
- ANTH 204 – Medical Anthropology (3.0 credits)new window
- ARCH 200 – Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory (3.0 credits)new window
- ARCH 230 – Introduction to Archaeological Heritage Management (3.0 credits)new window
- COMM 301 – Organizational Communications (3.0 Credits)new window
- CRIM 210 – Youth and the Criminal Justice System (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 213 – Women and the Criminal Justice System (3.0 credits)new window
- CRIM 230 – Criminal Law (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 240 – Social Geography (3.0 credits)new window
- HIST 200 – Women in the Western World from Pre-History to the Present (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 205 – The Ancient World (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 206 – History of Ancient Greece (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 207 – History of Ancient Rome (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 209 – History of the First Nations of Canada (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 210 – History of British Columbia (3.0 credits)new window*
- HIST 211 – European History, 1050-1789 (3.0 credits)new window*
- POLI 200 – Politics and Pipelines (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 201 – Research Methods in Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 211 – Developmental Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 212 – Abnormal Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 220 – Interpersonal Communications (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 221 – Social Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 223 – Psychology of Personal Adjustment (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 224 – Organizational Behavior (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 225 – Methods of Therapeutic Intervention (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 230 – Advanced Communication Skills (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 232 – Behavior Disorders of Children And Adolescents (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 235 – Structure and Dynamics of the Family (3.0 credits)new window
- PSYC 250 – Introduction to Applied Behavioural Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 201 – Structure of Canadian Society (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 204 – The Family in Canada (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 205 – Deviant Behaviour in Canadian Society (3.0 credits)new window
- SOCI 290 – Social Movements and Social Change (3.0 credits)new window
- SOSC 207 – Introduction to Statistics in The Social Sciences (3.0 credits)new window
- SOSC 220 – Research Methods for the Social Sciences (3.0 credits)new window
* May be used as either Humanities or Social Science
Other Arts Electives
First year courses:
Second year courses:
- EDUC 220 – Introduction to Educational Psychology (3.0 credits)new window
- EDUC 230 – Introduction to Educational Philosophies (3.0 credits)new window
- EDUC 240 – Social Issues in Education (3.0 credits)new window
- EDUC 252 – Introduction to Reflective Practice (4.0 credits)new window
- HADM 310 – Organizational Structure of the Canadian Health Care System (3.0 credits)new window
- HADM 320 – Community Health Planning (3.0 credits)new window
- HADM 330 – Health Care Law and Ethics in Canada (3.0 credits)new window
- SOWK 200 – Introduction to Social Work Practice (3.0 credits)new window
- SOWK 201 – Introduction to Social Welfare (3.0 credits)new window
Science Electives
The following classification indicates Science courses, including laboratory science courses, that may be used to meet requirements for the Associate degrees. Requirements for “Science courses” include both Laboratory and non-laboratory courses.
- A science course is defined to be any course in a subject area for which there is a Baccalaureate of Science degree or Baccalaureate of Applied Science degree at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
- A first-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 100-level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
- A second-year course is defined as a course that has assigned or unassigned transfer credit at the 200-level or higher level at SFU or UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan Campus) or UNBC or UVic.
Laboratory Science Electives
First year courses:
- BIOL 101 – Introductory Biology I (4.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 102 – Introductory Biology II (4.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 105 – Medical Microbiology (4.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 111 – Anatomy and Physiology I (4.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 112 – Anatomy and Physiology II (4.0 credits)new window
- CHEM 103 – Fundamentals of Chemistry I (4.0 credits)new window
- CHEM 104 – Fundamentals of Chemistry II (4.0 credits)new window
- CHEM 170 – Introduction to Forensic Chemistry (4.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 112 – Physical Geography: Surface of the Earth (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 114 – Physical Geography: Weather and Climate (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOL 102 – Introduction to Earth History (4.0 credits)new window
- PHYS 103 – Mechanics (Calculus) (4.0 credits)new window
- PHYS 104 – Electromagnetism and Waves (Calculus) (4.0 credits)new window
Second year courses:
- BIOL 105 – Medical Microbiology (4.0 credits)new window
- WATR 260 – Water Mensuration (4.0 credits)new window
Other Science Electives
First year courses:
- BIOL 125 – Basic Ecology (3.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 127 – Botany Basics (3.0 credits)new window
- CPSC 100 – Introduction to Computers and Computer Applications (3.0 credits)new window
- CPSC 101 – Introduction to Computing (3.0 credits)new window
- CPSC 111 – Computer Science and Information Technology (3.0 credits)new window
- CPSC 123 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming C++ (4.0 credits)new window
- ENGG 115 – Engineering Design, Drafting, and Sustainable Practice 1 (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGG 120 – Engineering Design, Ethics, and Sustainable Practice 2 (3.0 credits)new window
- ENGG 125 – Engineering Mechanics and Thermodynamics (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 220 – Object Oriented Programming with Java (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 235 – Computer Graphics and Animation for the Web (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 250 – Network Infrastructure (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 320 – Virtual Software Systems (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 101 – Calculus (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 102 – Calculus new windowIInew window (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 104 – Introduction to Statistics (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 105 – Calculus for Social and Biological Sciences I (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 106 – Calculus for new windowSocialnew window Sciences II (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 108 – Finite Mathematics (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 110 – Pre-Calculus (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 115 – Introductory Discrete Mathematics I (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 152 – Introductory new windowLinearnew window Algebra (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 190 – Principles of Mathematics for Teachers (4.0 credits)new window
- SOIL 117 – Introduction to Soil Science (3.0 credits)new window
Second year courses:
- AGRI 223 – Introduction to Agriculture (3.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 125 – Basic Ecology (3.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 127 – Botany Basics (3.0 credits)new window
- BIOL 204 – Introduction to Ecology (3.0 credits)new window
- FRST 225 – Forest Ecology (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 250 – Cartography: Map and Airphoto Interpretation (3.0 credits)new window
- GEOG 260 – Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 210 – Database Design (3.0 credits)new window
- ITEC 255 – Human Computer Interaction (3.0 credits)new window
- LAND 227 – Wildlife Habitat Conservation (3.0 credits)new window
- LAND 241 – Petroleum Fundamentals (3.0 credits)new window
- LAND 245 – Inventory and Assessment Techniques (3.0 credits)new window
- LAND 255 – Land Reclamation (4.0 credits)new window
- LAND 280 – Introduction to Contaminated Sites (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 104 – Introduction to Statistics (3.0 credits)new window
- MATH 152 – Introductory Linear Algebra (3.0 credits)new window
- MGMT 217 – Business Systems Analysis and Design (3.0 credits)new window
- PALE 200 – Introduction to Palaeontology in British Columbia (3.0 credits)new window
- PALE 201 – Palaeontology: Life of the Past (3.0 credits)new window
- SOIL 230 – Soil Classification (3.0 credits)new window
- SOSC 207 – Introduction to Statistics in The Social Sciences (3.0 credits)new window
- WATR 250 – Introduction to Freshwater Resources (3.0 credits)new window