The NLC Board has approved tuition and other fees for each program. They vary depending upon the type and duration of the program. In addition to approved tuition fees, instruction-related fees, and student service fees, students also pay fees levied by the NLC Student Association (NLCSA).

Part-time students (less than 9 credits per term or in a part-time program) are assessed 55% of student fees.

Tuition may be waived for students aged 65 years or older. Submit proof of age (government issued photo ID with birthdate) to any student services office prior to the start of classes.  For details regarding eligibility, see Policy F-4.04 Tuition Waiver for Seniors.PDF

This fee schedule applies from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025. NLC reserves the right to amend this schedule without notice. Rates are listed in Canadian dollars. For rates for Continuing Education courses, please see Continuing window

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are normally calculated by multiplying the rate by the number of contact hours or the number of credits in the course or program. Note that programs that register students in more than one academic year (September to August) will be subject to the subsequent year rates.  See individual programs for the Program Fee Type.

Program Fee TypeDomesticInternational
Academic$ 121.77/Credit$ 410.00/Credit
Career & College Prep*$ 5.26/Contact hour$ 13.65/Contact hour
Trades/Apprenticeship$ 3.49/Contact hour$ 14.01/Contact hour
Trades/Apprenticeship (Tier 2)**$ 3.49/Contact hour$ 13.29/Contact hour
Vocational/Career Technical$ 3.49/Contact hour$ 14.01/Contact hour
Job Education & Training$ 1.66/Contact hourn/a
Practical Nursing Diploma$ 5.42/Contact hour$ 20.06/Contact hour
English as a Second Language*$ 6.32/Contact hour$ 18.83/Contact hour

* The BC Government has eliminated tuition fees for Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning beginning Sep 1, 2017 for domestic students.  For information about what this means at NLC, please contact studenthelp@nlc.bc.caemail.

** Tier 2 is Aircraft Maintenance, Heavy Mechanical, Piping Trades, Plumber, Professional Cook, and Welding programs.

Student Service Fees

Student services fees are assessed for each semester or equivalent instructional period in which a student is enrolled. Full-time students are student enrolled in 9 or more credits per semester, or 18 or more contact hours per week. For programs that do not follow a semester, Student Services Fees cover up to five months (20 weeks).

Domestic Student FeesFull-timePart-time
Library$ 7.05$ 3.87
Facilities*$ 27.62$ 15.17
Technology$ 21.31$ 11.71
International Student FeesFull-timePart-time
Library$ 7.34$ 4.02
Facilities*$ 28.76$ 15.79
Technology$ 22.19$ 12.19

* Courses delivered wholly in an online format are not assessed Facilities fees.

NLC Student Association Fees

All students that are assessed NLC Student Association fees are members of the NLCSA. For detailed information about the NLCSA, please see:  Each student will be assessed a Part 1 fee and a Part 2 fee, depending on their status and their home campus.

Part 1 – Executive Board fee$2.00 for full-time or$1.00 for part-time
Part 2 – Branch fee$1.22/credit or$0.051/contact hour

 * Branch fees are allocated by student home campus to one of: Atlin, Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Dease Lake, Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Tumbler Ridge, or Online.

Note: Concurrent studies students (including dual-credit students) are NLCSA members, and are therefore assessed Student Association fees.

Instruction-related fees are established for each program to cover resources consumed during normal instructional activities. These fees are charged in addition to tuition and student services fees. All instruction-related fees are subject to 5% GST and are the same for both domestic and international students.

Access to Practical Nursing Diploma$609.47$645.32program
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Diploma$ 234.64$262.25semester
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Diploma – Vernon$ 313.24$350.09program
Aircraft Mechanic Basics Certificate$ 234.64$262.25semester
Applied Business Technology$ 0.43$0.48contact hour
Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Level 1$ 113.09$125.28level
Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Level 2$ 181.20$200.74level
Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Level 3$ 113.09$125.28level
Automotive Service Technician Apprenticeship Level 4$ 96.94$107.40level
Automotive Service Technician Foundation Certificate$ 483.62$512.07program
Building Maintenance Certificate$ 501.22$555.27program
Business Management (including Advanced Certificate in Management, Executive Assistant Diploma)$ 50.36$52.43lab
Career and College Preparation (lab courses)$ 50.36$52.43lab
Career and College Preparation including BC Adult Graduation Diploma (all courses)$ 0.17$0.18contact hour
Carpenter Apprenticeship Level 1$ 126.33$133.76level
Carpenter Apprenticeship Level 2$ 126.33$133.76level
Carpenter Apprenticeship Level 3$ 126.33$133.76level
Carpenter Apprenticeship Level 4$ 126.33$133.76level
Cosmetology Diploma (see Esthetician and Hairstylist)$3,733.72$3,953.35program
Culinary Arts Advanced Certificate$1,079.18$1,142.66program
Early Childhood Education and Care Diploma$ 95.04$98.96course
Education Assistant$ 95.04$98.96course
Electrician Apprenticeship Level 1$ 177.76$188.21level
Electrician Apprenticeship Level 1-2 Gap Training$ 7.08$7.50level
Electrician Apprenticeship Level 2$ 177.76$188.21level
Electrician Apprenticeship Level 3$ 177.76$188.21level
Electrician Apprenticeship Level 4$ 177.76$188.21level
Electrician Foundation Trades Certificate$ 569.44$602.93program
Enhanced Carpentry Foundation Certificate$ 501.22$530.70program
Esthetician Certificate$2,386.34$2,526.71program
Explore Trades for Adults$ 287.16$304.05program
Explore Trades for Youth$ 287.16$304.05program
Family Resource Practitioner Advanced Certificate$ 95.04$150.95course
Hairstylist Foundation Certificate$1,347.38$1,426.64program
Health Care Assistant Certificate$ 329.09$348.45program
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship Level 1$ 106.88$119.45level
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship Level 2$ 106.88$119.45level
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship Level 3$ 106.88$119.45level
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship Level 4 (HDET)$ 103.36$115.52level
Heavy Mechanical Trades Apprenticeship Level 4 (TTM)$ 101.34$115.52level
Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation Certificate$ 483.62$540.52program
Human Services Professional Development Advanced Certificate$ 95.04$150.95course
Interactive Technologies and Game Design Diploma
(not including ITEC-240, ITEC-250, ITEC-320)
$ 112.61$178.85course
Job Education and Training Certificate$ 158.43n/aprogram
Millwright Apprenticeship Level 1$ 128.02$135.55level
Millwright Apprenticeship Level 2$ 128.02$135.55level
Millwright Apprenticeship Level 3$ 128.02$135.55level
Millwright Apprenticeship Level 4$ 128.02$135.55level
Millwright Foundations Certificate$ 285.31$308.13program
Oil and Gas Field Operations Certificate$ 2,170.89$2,298.59program
People Obtaining Workplace Employment Requirements$ 287.16$456.08program
Piping Trades Foundation Certificate$ 331.21$370.18program
Plumber Apprenticeship Level 1$ 106.88$119.45level
Plumber Apprenticeship Level 2$ 106.88$119.45level
Plumber Apprenticeship Level 3$ 106.88$119.45level
Plumber Apprenticeship Level 4$ 129.26$144.47level
Power Engineering (4th Class) Certificate$ 1,876.96$1,987.34program
Practical Nursing Diploma$ 609.47$645.32program
Pre-Employment Workplace Essential Skills Certificate$ 552.17$617.13program
Professional Cook 1 Direct Entry$ 153.70$171.79level
Professional Cook 1 Indigenous Content Direct Entry$ 153.70$171.79level
Professional Cook 1 Institutional Entry$ 457.51$511.34program
Professional Cook 2 Direct Entry$ 351.97$392.82level
Professional Cook 2 Institutional Entry$ 621.66$694.80program
Professional Cook 3 Direct Entry$ 351.47$392.82level
Social Services Worker Diploma$ 50.36$79.98lab
University Arts and Sciences
(includes Associate of Arts Degrees, Archaeology, Criminology, Education, Engineering, Humanities, Land & Water Resources, Pre-medicine, Social Sciences)
$ 50.36$79.98lab
Welder Apprenticeship Level 1$ 125.55$140.32level
Welder Apprenticeship Level 2$ 125.55$140.32level
Welder Apprenticeship Level 2-3 Gap Training$ 18.35$20.51level
Welder Apprenticeship Level 3$ 183.76$205.38level
Welder Foundation Certificate$ 647.74$723.95program
Welder Multi-process Alloy Welder$ 149.31$166.87level
Welder-Fabricator Foundation Certificate$ 780.30$872.10program
Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician Advanced Certificate$ 860.46$911.08program

Prior Learning Assessment and Transfer Credit

Prior Learning Assessment, including course challenge are assessed fees as follows:

  • Course challenge fees are assessed at 75% of the cost of the course tuition as defined in the Tuition Fees Table. Student Services fees and Instruction-related fees do not apply.
  • Transfer credit requests for courses taken at BC public post-secondary institutions are free. Transfer credit requests from non-BC public post-secondary institutions are subject to a fee.

International Medical Insurance

All international students enrolled at NLC must have medical insurance. This is available through GuardMe. Please contact the International Education Department. Students are required to pay the premium in advance so that coverage is in place on the day the student arrives in Canada. The cost is currently $828 per year.

How to Pay

You can use any of the payment methods listed below to pay your deposits and/or tuition and fees.

Online payment (TouchNet) – preferred method

You can make your payment online using the Touchnet web application.  Your payment is applied directly to your student account, so you can immediately see your account balance. TouchNet also includes a feature that allows you to give someone else permission to pay… without giving them your username and password.  Touchnet supports Visa, MasterCard, and Interac Online for selected Canadian banks and credit unions.

In person

Payment may be made at Campus Services during regular business hours.  You can make your payment with credit card, debit (Interac), cheque, and cash. You may also present your Passport to Education or sponsorship letters.  Northern Lights College does not accept cash payments over $3000 per invoice.

Online banking

Most banks and credit unions allow payment directly from your bank to the College.  To pay with online banking, go to the Bill Payments section, select Northern Lights College as the payee, and use your student number (7 digits) as the account number.

It takes a minimum of 2 business days for your bank to process the payment and send the funds to NLC for processing. If you completed your online banking payment less than 48 hours prior to your deadline, you must email your payment confirmation number to We strongly encourage you to pay within the timelines to accommodate this delay.


Campus Services can process your credit card payment over the phone. Call 1-866-INFO-NLC (866-463-6652).


We proudly partner with Convera (formerly Western Union Business Solutions) to offer you a simple, secure, and smart way to pay your fees online. Convera’s platform is trusted by 800+ institutions worldwide to enable payments in 140+ currencies across 200+ countries and territories.

Other Fees and Charges

ServiceFee + GST
Application Fees**$ 25.50 (domestic)
$ 100.00 (international)
AME log book-stamping for approved ATO$ 40.00
Convocation Registration Fee$ 30.00
NSF cheque$ 50.00
Reissue of Welding log books$ 50.00
Replacement credential$ 25.00
Student cards (replacement only)$ 10.00
Student Records requests (incl. legal & FOIPOP requests; includes unofficial transcript)$ 10.50 each + $0.25/page
Study Permit Renewal Support Letter (5 day business service)$ 25.00
Study Permit Renewal Support Letter (Rush, next business day)$ 50.00
Supplemental Exam Fees$ 75.00/rewrite
Transcript (5 business days service, per copy)$ 10.50 
Transcript (Rush, next business day, per copy*)$ 35.50 
Transfer credit assessment (BC public post-secondary)Free
Transfer credit assessment (not BC public institutions)$ 25.00/request
Unofficial Transcript (online in Borealisnew window)Free
Verification of Enrolment letter (standard format)Free
Verification of Enrolment letter (custom letter)$ 25.00/request

* Includes delivery by XpressPost. All other delivery methods must be arranged and paid for by the student.
** Exempt from GST

Testing and Assessment Service Fees

Assessment TestFee + GST
CAAT (Canadian Adult Achievement Test) and all other testing $28.57/test
CamLA Assessment (does not apply to in-class assessments)$ 14.29/test
CCP Math/English Assessments  Free
TOWES Assessment $71.43/test
Trades Math Assessment $14.29/test
Writing Assessment $14.29/test
Calculus Readiness Assessment $14.29/test 

Student Restrictions

Students will be restricted from registration and other services for the following reasons:

  • Non-payment of fees, including library fines
  • Requirement to meet with a Program Chair
  • Academic or non-academic misconduct
  • Submission of dishonoured cheque or credit card for payment of fees
  • Other situations as determined by the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar will not issue official documents such as transcripts or parchments when restrictions are on file.

Tax Forms (T2202 and T4A)


The T2202 Tuition and Enrolment Certificate is a tax form that certifies eligible education amounts that can be claimed on an income tax return.  They are issued to eligible students who paid tuition fees for qualifying courses. Visit Canada Revenue Agency for further information about the eligibility of fees and amounts.

NLC issues these certificates by February 28 each year, listing the eligible amounts paid in the preceding calendar year.  Students access their T2202 certificates via their secure Borealisnew window login. 


The T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income is a tax form that certifies the amount of financial assistance you received from Northern Lights College in the form of a grant, bursary or award. This may include, but is not limited to, Adult Upgrading Grants (AUG), bursaries, scholarships, or other awards received through the College within the tax (calendar) year. Amounts on T4As are considered ‘other income’.

NLC issues these statements by February 28 each year. Statements are sent to students by postal mail.