3 people having a snowball fight

Your Local Campus Student Council

Each local campus student council hosts activities throughout the school year for YOU! If you have an idea for a club, event, or activity — attend a meeting!

Student Council meetings are open to all students and can be attended in person or virtually. Check the NLC event calendar for meeting dates and times.

Nominations for the Student Council election, open September 5 at 12pm. See Student Governance for nomination instructions and the nomination form.

Learn MorePDF about Student Councils, and follow them on FB and Instagram to stay in the know.

Your NLC Students’ Association

Did you know you are automatically a member of the NLCSA when you pay student society fees to NLC?

The NLCSA consists of officials you have elected from each local campus student council. It strives to represent all NLC students — its your united voice.

See the Student Governance page for more information about Northern Lights College’s Student Government opportunities and nomination information.